Monday, March 12, 2007


Bugger it. I reinstalled XP. Now the kids and wife are happy and they can play games again and I can VPN into the office and see mail server and other servers.

A shame as I liked it but I dont have time to iron out the quirks and I cant be without VPN while that bug is squashed...

I am liking the look of OS X Leopard, though. A colleague has it installed and I can see it in my future.

I DO like Office 2007 though. I think the ribbon is a winner.


Graham said...

Dare I say Hasta la Vista baby?

Graham said...

I cant seem to leave the commenting page window- please let me leave...

Unknown said...

That a bit of a big girls thing to do! Why don't you just run XP on Virtual Pc it works like a dream.